Newspaper cuttings about the death of two men with unusual features/abilities, an operation on an orangatang in New York, and a Moss Empires Ltd meeting.
Newspaper cuttings about: the sequestration of Bernard Armstrong's Queen's and Tivoli music-halls, the licence of the Gaiety Theatre, and the programme of The Britannia Panopticon and Museum.
Newspaper cuttings about The Britannia Panopticon and museum,the assault to a piano player, the sale of the Lyceum Theatre, the arrest of Bernard Armstrong' Queen's and Tivoli music-halls, and the chronomegaphone.
Newspaper cuttings about the programme of The Britannia Panopticon and museum, a music hall strike, the death of music hall star 'Wallace the Dog Man', and a dog that regularly picks up a newspaper from a newsagent.
Newspaper cuttings about: The Britannia Panopticon and museum, a music hall strike, music hall disturbances and accidents, plus a photo of a casket with the Burgess ticket.
Newspaper cuttings about The Britannia Panopticon and museum, a music hall strike, a music hall burglary, a musical prodigy, the phonograph, and a dispute between Leggat Bros, Moss Empires Ltd and George Gray.
Newspaper cuttings about A.E. PickardĀ£1249.55s museum, a music hall strike, an opera by a St Bernard monk, and the business of Messrs, Howard, and Wyndham Ltd.