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BP17 45b.jpg
Back of flyer for Dennistoun ward candidate James A. Allan.

BP17 45c.jpg
Letter to electors of Dalmarnock ward from candidate Scott Gibson.

BP17 45d.jpg
Letter to electors of Dalmarnock ward from candidate Scott Gibson.

BP17 46.jpg
Letter to the electors of Dalmarnock ward from candidate Hamilton Brown.

BP17 46b.jpg
Second page of letter to the electors of Dalmarnock ward from candidate Hamilton Brown.

BP17 46c.jpg
Back page of letter to electors from Dalmarnock ward candidate Hamilton Brown.

BP17 47.jpg
Flyer for Springburn ward candidate E. Rosslyn Mitchell.

BP17 47b.jpg
First page of letter to electors of Springburn ward from candidate E Rosslyn Mitchell.

BP17 47c.jpg
Second page of letter to electors of Springburn ward from candidate E Rosslyn Mitchell.

BP17 47d.jpg
Back page of letter to electors of Springburn ward from candidate E Rosslyn Mitchell.

BP17 48.jpg
Flyer for Springburn ward meeting by Ex Baillie Connell for night-shift workers. Manifesto and small flyer for Springburn ward Socialist and Labour candidate Thomas A Kerr.

BP17 49.jpg
Flyer for Springburn ward candidate Thomas A Kerr.

BP17 49b.jpg
Front of election pamphlet from Springburn ward Socialist and Labour candidate Thomas A Kerr, with a quote from Victor Hugo.

BP17 49c.jpg
Second page of letter to electors of Springburn ward from Socialist and Labour candidate Thomas A Kerr.

BP17 49d.jpg
Last pages of letter to electors of Springburn ward from Socialist and Labour candidate Thomas A Kerr.

BP17 04b.jpg
Letter addressed to electors of Blackfriars ward from candidate Duncan Graham, for 1907 by-elections, p. 2.

BP17 04c.jpg
Letter addressed to electors of Blackfriars ward from candidate Duncan Graham, for 1907 by-elections, p.3.

BP17 04d.jpg
Back of candidate Duncan Graham's flyer for 1907 Blackfriars by-election, running against Pickard and Stewart.

BP17 05.jpg
Front of flyer for John Stewart, Independent Labour Party candidate for Blackfriars ward in 1907 municipal byelection (running against Pickard).

BP17 50.jpg
First page of letter to electors of Pollockshields ward from candidate James Steele.

BP17 50b.jpg
Second page of letter to electors of Pollockshields ward from candidate James Steele.

BP17 50c.jpg
Back page of letter to electors of Pollockshields ward from candidate James Steele.

BP17 51.jpg
Small flyer for Pollockshields ward candidate James Steele.

BP17 51b.jpg
Flyer to electors of Pollockshields ward, from candidate Hugh Blair

BP17 51c.jpg
Front page of letter to electors of Pollockshields ward from candidate Hugh Blair.

BP17 51d.jpg
Second page of letter to electors of Pollockshields ward from candidate Hugh Blair.

BP17 51e.jpg
Back page of letter to electors of Pollockshields ward from candidate Hugh Blair.

BP17 52.jpg
Small flyer for Govanhill ward candidate J.C. Drummond.

BP17 52b.jpg
Small flyers for Govanhill ward candidates J.C. Drummond ("Govanhill wants no Socialist!") and John Stewart, Labour.

BP17 53.jpg
Front page of letter to electors of Govanhill ward from Labour candidate John Stewart.

BP17 53b.jpg
Second page of letter to electors of Govanhill ward from Labour candidate John Stewart.

BP17 53c.jpg
Back page of letter to electors of Govanhill ward from Labour candidate John Stewart.

BP17 54.jpg
Front page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54b.jpg
Second page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54c.jpg
Third page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54d.jpg
Fourth page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54e.jpg
Fifth page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54f.jpg
Sixth page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54g.jpg
Seventh page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54h.jpg
Seventh page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54i.jpg
Eighth page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54j.jpg
Last page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 54k.jpg
Back page of address to electors of Springburn ward from candidate M.J.Connell.

BP17 05b.jpg
Second page of flyer for John Stewart, Independent Labour Party candidate for Blackfriars ward in 1907 municipal byelection.

BP17 05c.jpg
Third page of flyer for John Stewart, Independent Labour Party candidate for Blackfriars ward in 1907 municipal byelection.

BP17 05d.jpg
Back of flyer for John Stewart, Independent Labour Party candidate for Blackfriars ward in 1907 municipal byelection, indicating dates and places of meetings.

BP17 06.jpg
Flyer for candidates Alex Whitson and James Cairns to electors of Cowcaddens ward for 1908 municipal election

BP17 06b.jpg
Second page of flyer for candidates Alex Whitson and James Cairns to electors of Cowcaddens ward for 1908 Glasgow municipal election

BP17 07.jpg
Third page of flyer for candidates Alex Whitson and James Cairns to electors of Cowcaddens ward for 1908 Glasgow municipal election

BP17 07b.jpg
Back page of flyer for candidates Alex Whitson and James Cairns to electors of Cowcaddens ward for 1908 Glasgow municipal election

BP17 08.jpg
Flyer for candidate John G. Gibb running for Cowcaddens ward in 1908 municipal elections.

BP17 08b.jpg
Second page of flyer for candidate John G. Gibb running for Cowcaddens ward in 1908 municipal elections.

BP17 09.jpg
Third page of flyer for candidate John G. Gibb running for Cowcaddens ward in 1908 municipal elections.

BP17 09b.jpg
Back of flyer for candidate John G. Gibb, with handwritten address for R Smith

BP18 01.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about local political news and updates from Glasgow News and Evening Times.

BP18 02.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meetings from Glasgow News.

BP18 03.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meetings, from Evening Citizen.

BP18 04.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council discussions

BP18 05.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meetings from Evening Times

BP18 06.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meetings from the Evening Times.

BP18 07.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from the Evening Times.

BP18 08.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from Glasgow News.

BP18 09.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from the Evening Times.

BP18 10.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meetings.

BP18 11.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from Glasgow News

BP18 12.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 13.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 14.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times and the Glasgow News

BP18 15.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News and the Evening Times

BP18 16.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 17.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 18.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from Glasgow News.

BP18 19.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business

BP18 20.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 21.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 22.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 23.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News and the Evening Times.

BP18 24.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from the Glasgow News.

BP18 25.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from Evening Times and Glasgow News.

BP18 26.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 27.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business

BP18 28.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 29.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from the Glasgow News.

BP18 30.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times and Glasgow News.

BP18 31.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 32.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 33.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times and Glasgow Times.

BP18 34.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News and the Evening Times,

BP18 35.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 36.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 37.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 38.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 39.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 40.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meetings from the Evening Times.

BP18 41.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 42.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 43.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times and the Glasgow News.

BP18 44.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 45.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Citizen

BP18 46.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 47.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business

BP18 48.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 49.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 50.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Glasgow News.

BP18 51.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 52.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Citizen.

BP18 53.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

BP18 54.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Citizen.

BP18 55.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council meeting from the Evening Times.

BP18 56.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business from the Evening Times.

BP18 57.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about Council business.

Newspaper cutting from the Glasgow News about an alleged assault in the Britannia Panopticon Music Hall.

BP1907 Freak Kaiser.jpg
Newspaper ad for Pickard's shows in the first month of the First World War, promising "millions of freaks, including the Kaiser"

Newspaper cutting from the Glasgow News and Evening Times about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Glasgow News, Evening Times, Daily Record and Mail, Glasgow Citizen, and The Press about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Glasgow News, Evening Times, and The Press about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times, Glasgow News, and Glasgow Citizen about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times, Glasgow News, and Glasgow Citizen about the programme of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times, Glasgow News, Glasgow Citizen, and Daily Record and Mail about the programmes of A.E Pickard

Handwritten list of office expenses.

Handwritten list of expenses.

Handwritten list of expenses.

Torn scrapbook label.

Letter from G Dunning to D Selkirk.

Newspaper cuttings from the Glasgow News and Evening Times about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper article torn from the Evening Citizen about the sale of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Glasgow News and Evening Times about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times and Glasgow News about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times and Glasgow News about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Daily Record and Mail, Evening Times, Glasgow News, and Glasgow Citizen about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times, Glasgow News and Glasgow Citizen about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Glasgow News, Glasgow Citizen, and Evening Times about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Times, Glasgow News, and Glasgow Citizen about the programmes of A.E. Pickard

BP20_Inside Rear Binding.jpg
Newspaper cuttings about actor W. G. Robb, Jack Johnson and A.E. Pickard and the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

BP20_Inside Front Binding.jpg
Newspaper cuttings from The Press advertising the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre third season opening.

Incomplete newspaper cutting from The Leader.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme and licence of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme and licence of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Incomplete newspaper cutting from The Leader.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from the The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme and licence of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme and licence of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Leader about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre and a trip to Blackpool organised by A.E. Pickard.

Newspaper cuttings about the licence of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the renovation, re-opening, and programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cutting about A.E. Pickard.


Newspaper cutting about A.E. Pickard's driving tests

Personal Letter to A.E. Pickard offering to sell him an edition of Robert Burns works.

Personal Letter to A.E. Pickard offering to sell him an edition of Robert Burns works.

Personal letter to A.E. Pickard.

Personal letter to A.E. Pickard.

Personal letter to A.E. Pickard.

Personal letter to A.E. Pickard.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of, licence and storm damage to the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings from The Press about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre and the arrest of a woman for intoxication.

Newspaper cuttings about the Barns O'Clyde Burns Club, an aviation competition promoted by A.E. Pickard and the programme of Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre, aviation, and the murder of showman George Sanger.

Newspaper cuttings about the program of the Clydebank Theatre, the opening of a new amusements place and the murder of George Sanger.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre, film houses in the city, a showman clawed by his lion and the new title of A.E. Pickard.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre, film houses, the new telephone conexion with France and a photo of John Clyde.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre and enterteinmant venues.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre.

Newspaper cuttings about the programme of Clydebank Gaiety Theatre and other A.E. Pickard's entertainment places.
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